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Zaquie C Meredith, pioneer and international constellation, brings you Victoria Sneh Schnabel!!

Spirituality and Constellations


May 29th

At 2:30 pm (Brazil) | 1:30 pm (Florida)

via online zoom.

Pioneer International Constellation: Victoria Sneh Schnabel

International Organizer and Constellation: Zaquie C Meredith


sign up

Limited vacancies*

*Please send your proof of payment asap to whatsapp +55 11 97997-8808.

Your reservation will be confirmed upon payment.

Until May 5, 2021: R$170.00

From May 6th to May 10th, 2021: R$ 1 85.00

After May 10th: R$ 200.00

Payment methods:

Deposit: Banco do Brasil

Ag: 0646-7 |  CC: 24985-8 |  CPF: 519.949,258-68


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