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“Rupert Sheldrake is an English biologist, biochemist, writer and speaker; best known for his theory of the Morphic Fields, one of the foundations of the Family Constellation."

Rupert Sheldrake

Since 2006 I have been carrying out tests for Rupert Sheldrake on telepathy and sensorial perception with my groups in Healings and Family Constellations. In my correspondence with him, a great genius of all times, I have suggested that our sensorial perception and sensitivity increase after healing is done ( And we have proven to a small extent that, there has been a 20 to 25% increases in perception after a healing is done. Why is this? Healing is a work in the human energy field that expands sensorial and perception awareness in the mind and spiritual energy. In 2007 I went to visit Sheldrake at his residence in London, England. (Below I describe our constructive meeting.) Also below is a text from his most recent book "The Presence of the Past ”and photographs for you to learn from it.





The Presence of the Past - Rupert Sheldrake

When I was with Rupert Sheldrake in England, September 2007, to have lunch with him I felt a great thrill. I was walking the streets of London to get to his house thinking of the meaning of this meeting which I had requested. The house was typical of a Londoner: cats, large couches, books everywhere, and plants. He greeted me at the door, asked if I had arrived well by subway and told me the reason he did not have a car, which was his contribution to the planet. First introduction to R. Sheldrake! A pleasant surprise. 

Tall, thin and friendly, with a penetrating and kind look at the same time, Sheldrake asked me to sit down and have lunch with him. We sat together at a small, simple wooden table with two cats on the side and we began to eat a natural home salad. 

For some time now I've been conducting some research for him (it's on my website: about telepathy as it had a lot to do with the Healings and Family Constellation. We talked about research and he mentored me and asked me to do more research. Then we talk about the morphic fields. And so he said: 

There is a great possibility: memory is inherent in nature. Collective systems inherit a collective memory of what previously existed regardless of distance. A beetle has the habits of a beetle because it inherits its nature from previous beetles. Also, the memory of the individual organism may depend on direct influences from its own past. The past can become present in us directly. 

But the crystals of a completely new chemical, for example, are unprecedented except that when this complex is crystallized, again and again, the crystals then have a tendency to form more readily in the world simply because they were formed once. 

We may say that our personal choices depend on influences that have accumulated from our past behavior, those that we "resonate with." (and here comes the family constellation!) 

The nature of things depends on the fields, called MORPHIC FIELDS. Each system has its own field type. They are nonmaterial fields that extend in space and have continuity in time. They are located within the system in which they organize.

Morphogenetics is the process by which the past becomes present within the morphic fields. Memory within morphic fields is cumulative and that is why all sorts of things become more and more habits through repetition. And when this repetition occurs on an astronomical scale of billions of years, as it has been the case with many types of atoms, molecules, and crystals, the nature of these things has become profoundly "habitual" that is almost unchanging or even seems eternal. 

Until 1960 the universe was believed to be ETERNAL - and so were the properties of matter and fields - and… the laws of nature. This view of the evolution of the earth within physical eternity is rooted in an ancient dual cultural. It reflects the cultural heritage of Europe: a mixture of the intellectual traditions of the civilizations of Greece and Rome and on the other hand the Christian faith. 

Only now it is believed that the universe was born from an explosion about 15 billion years ago and that it has developed and continues to develop. Morphic fields appear and engage in time and space and are influenced by what has already happened in the world. Morphic fields are conceived in spiritual evolution. 

The Cosmos today looks more like a growing and developing organism than an eternal machine. In this context, habits may be more natural than immutable laws. 

The laws of nature may have evolved little by little to a point where they no longer evolve or may have come with the Big Bang, for example, the crystallization of sugar, which is a local, man-independent law. 

Perhaps the "laws" of nature are more "habits" than laws. Physical reality is evolutionary but we still have ideas and concepts of eternal laws that transcend the physical universe. 

At this point, I asked about the family constellation of Bert Hellinger, the author of family constellations, if he considered that constellations could be based on morphogenetic fields. Yes, he told me. By the way,his wife is a constellator too. Within the Constellation, we believe that the knowledge, feeling, the expression that each representative feels for that family member is a morphic field in which the morphic resonance emerges.


The Nature of Matter Forms

We see shapes every day: cats, trees, people, spoons and we have no problem recognizing them because we can even imagine them. And these shapes have their characteristics like shape, size, structure, energy, temperature - but all in all, it's more than that. 

When a plant grows, for example, it incorporates the matter and energy of its environment: when it dies, all matter and energy are released and the shape of the plant breaks and disappears. But at the same time, that there is no change in the total amount of matter and energy in the world, there is a change in the way matter and energy are organized when a plant grows and when it dies. 

For example, let's think of a house they just built. Its form is symbolic that originated in one's mind, passed into the role and was created. But this form cannot be understood by chemically analyzing the architect's mind, for example. Nor can it be captured by demolishing the house and analyzing its parts. With the same material, with the same workforce, other forms of a home can be built. None of these houses could be built without form, without material, without labor. - but none of this explains the shape of the house. So what is it? 

It exists materially in the house but it is not the material itself. It's a pattern, an arrangement, an information structure that can be repeated in many places - it's more of an idea than a thing, but it's not the idea itself. This is the paradox of material forms. The form is united with the matter but form aspect and matter aspect are also separable. Every spoon is shaped like a spoon and that is what makes it a spoon. But if they are melted, whatever is material or energy - whether or not spoons exist, makes no difference to this chemical part. If a plastic spoon is burned, for example, its carbon atoms will be incorporated into the carbon dioxide molecules that will be dispersed in the air. Let's imagine the possible fates of one of these molecules: 

- can be absorbed by another sheet 
- can be eaten for a centipede 
- could end up in the body of a butterfly 
- can be eaten by a bird 

It has the potential to be part of millions of different ways. So things have matter and energy that are present in different forms and that these forms cannot be explained solely in terms of their own material and energy.


See this Video about Morphogenetics Fields

Correspondence with Rupert Sheldrake about his suggested telepathy tests being conducted by Zaquie Meredith in her 'Pontos de luz' course.

The results are different on students with an altered conscience after Healings.

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